- DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ)
- This is a cancer that is not invasive. It stays inside the milk ducts.
- LCIS (Lobular Carcinoma In Situ)
- This is a tumor that is an overgrowth of cells that stay inside the milk-making part of the breast (called lobules). LCIS is not a true cancer. It is a warning sign for an increased risk of having an invasive cancer in the future, in either breast.
- IDC (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma)
- This is a cancer that begins in the milk duct but grows into the surrounding normal tissue inside the breast. This is the most common kind of breast cancer.
- ILC (Invasive Lobular Carcinoma)
- This is a cancer that starts inside the milk-making glands (called lobules), but grows into the surrounding normal tissue inside the breast.
«Index of Breast Cancer
«Is the Breast Cancer Invasive?
»Treatments for Local and Regional Recurrence
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